Whitehead manifold

In mathematics, the Whitehead manifold is an open 3-manifold that is contractible, but not homeomorphic to R3. Henry Whitehead discovered this puzzling object while he was trying to prove the Poincaré conjecture.

A contractible manifold is one that can continuously be shrunk to a point inside the manifold itself. For example, an open ball is a contractible manifold. All manifolds homeomorphic to the ball are contractible, too. One can ask whether all contractible manifolds are homeomorphic to a ball. For dimensions 1 and 2, the answer is classical and it is "yes". In dimension 2, it follows, for example, from the Riemann mapping theorem. Dimension 3 presents the first counterexample: the Whitehead manifold.


Take a copy of S3, the three-dimensional sphere. Now find a compact unknotted solid torus T1 inside the sphere. (A solid torus is an ordinary three-dimensional doughnut, i.e. a filled-in torus, which is topologically a circle times a disk.) The closed complement of the solid torus inside S3 is another solid torus.

Now take a second solid torus T2 inside T1 so that T2 and a tubular neighborhood of the meridian curve of T1 is a thickened Whitehead link.

Note that T2 is null-homotopic in the complement of the meridian of T1. This can be seen by considering S3 as R3 ∪ ∞ and the meridian curve as the z-axis ∪ ∞. T2 has zero winding number around the z-axis. Thus the necessary null-homotopy follows. Since the Whitehead link is symmetric, i.e. a homeomorphism of the 3-sphere switches components, it is also true that the meridian of T1 is also null-homotopic in the complement of T2.

Now embed T3 inside T2 in the same way as T2 lies inside T1, and so on; to infinity. Define W, the Whitehead continuum, to be T, or more precisely the intersection of all the Tk for k = 1,2,3,….

The Whitehead manifold is defined as X =S3\W which is a non-compact manifold without boundary. It follows from our previous observation, the Hurewicz theorem, and Whitehead's theorem on homotopy equivalence, that X is contractible. In fact, a closer analysis involving a result of Morton Brown shows that X × RR4; however X is not homeomorphic to R3. The reason is that it is not simply connected at infinity.

The one point compactification of X is the space S3/W (with W crunched to a point). It is not a manifold. However (R3/WR is homeomorphic to R4.

Related spaces

More examples of open, contractible 3-manifolds may be constructed by proceeding in similar fashion and picking different embeddings of Ti+1 in Ti in the iterative process. Each embedding should be an unknotted solid torus in the 3-sphere. The essential properties are that the meridian of Ti should be null-homotopic in the complement of Ti+1, and in addition the longitude of Ti+1 should not be null-homotopic in TiTi+1. Another variation is to pick several subtori at each stage instead of just one. The cones over some of these continua appear as the complements of Casson handles in a 4-ball.

The dogbone space is not a manifold but its product with R1 is homeomorphic to R4.
